THe Crazy Ant
Creative adventures

Please allow me to introduce myself

Hello! I am so happy you stopped by! Allow me to introduce myself. I currently am handling every aspect of this business and website. My name is Carla Whitwell. I chose the name The Crazy Ant for my business for two reasons. One being that I do love ants they are my favorite bug because of some of the characteristics they have, like being strong, working hard and working in a team. The other reason is I am the crazy Aunt. I lost my nephew to an overdose a while back, so it is a bit of a play on words and also in memory of him.
I am starting out as just a business and I am just doing my own thing here and just getting started. I have always just loved to hand make people gifts ever since I was a child. I like tailoring my gifts to the people they are intended for. I do not yet know if I will be doing all custom orders or no custom orders for this business yet as I am just still in the process of getting everything set up. Please be patient with me as I am only one person doing everything here.
I have no specific thing I want to promote but for now I plan to start with custom made blankets for my friends just to show you what I can do. I have many different creative areas I like to do from beadwork, to blankets, abstract art and macramé. Blankets are by far my favorite thing to give people I love for gifts because then when they are alone they can wrap themselves in a hug from me.
However, giving gifts away all the time is costly, and I want to do more to help the community around me. If there was some way, I could turn what I love to do already into some money I then would have the means to do more outreach with the homeless. I am not a registered charity or a non-profit at this time but do dream of a day that I can do so before I die.
I am 43 years old this year and I am currently fighting cancer. If there is one thing I would like to say to the world it would be do not wait till time is almost up to do what you love to do in life. I am, however, quite hopeful I will be here for years to come. If I am lucky I will have a business to hand down to my children when I am gone.
So I hope you will stop by again some time as I know there isn’t much to see on this site just yet. Not anticipating to be up and running fully for about another year (2026) but if you have any questions or want to speak to me at all please feel free to e mail me at Carla@thecrazyant.com